Joey D.
Keep exploring.

Favorite Artist

Mumford and Sons

Go-To Karaoke Song

You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar

Chris Pratt

Soul Destination

Mammoth Mountain

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike

Tap back Push-up

Guilty Pleasure

Watching the Bachelor with my sisters.

Upcoming Classes

Sun 12/22 - 10:45 AM
Ann Arbor
See full schedule

Joey D.'s playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Raised on the beaches of Southern California, Joey was drawn to an active lifestyle and began playing volleyball. He went on to earn a scholarship to the University of Southern California and played professionally on the AVP Tour. He has taken his passion and work ethic to the bike, where he believes when riding together we can push ourselves further than we could on our own. Joey loves to motivate, inspire, and help others on their fitness journey. Come to Joey's class to sweat, dance, feel like a champion, and most of all, have fun.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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