You will know your strength when being strong is your only choice.

The Music

Electronic, Dance, Rock

The Energy

Commanding, Passionate, Party

The Messaging

Inspirational, Intentional, Upbeat

The Workout

Intense, Athletic, Challenging

Fun Fact

A standing back tuck is my party trick.

Astrological Sign


Upcoming Classes

Sat 3/29 - 9:30 AM
East 54th Street
Sat 3/29 - 10:45 AM
East 54th Street
Sun 3/30 - 8:30 AM
East 63rd Street
See full schedule

What's your Soul Story?

Cameron brings his whole - hearted SOUL from Columbus, OH. As a former US National Diver, Cameron’s class is built around strength, rhythm and challenge. With heavy emphasis on athleticism, he inspires confidence in his riders by connecting them to the music and embracing the power of the beat. In the pool, in the gym and on a bike, Cameron discovered his love for fitness by setting goals and attacking them in a fun and artistic way. He mixes his exciting, silly personality with a true passion for his riders before, during and after class, making for a true community experience. With an intense love for music and human connection, you will leave feeling the fire in the movement and the heart behind the challenge.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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