Jack Bauer
This is your life, your journey, your adventure.

The Music

Pop, Dance, Alternative

The Energy

Charismatic, Fun, Joyful

Messaging & Style of Coaching

Inclusive, Nurturing, Inspirational

The Workout

Accessible, Resistance Focused, Athletic

Fun Fact or Hidden Talent?

I’m originally from a small farm town in a suburb of Chicago called “Manhattan, IL”, it has a time square and a central park.

Astrological Sign


Upcoming Classes

Tue 2/04 - 6:00 AM
Bryant Park
See full schedule

Jack Bauer's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Whether it’s performing on a stage or riding a bike, Jack has always had a passion for fitness and music. His class is a unique blend of high energy and inspiration that will challenge you to push past what you thought you were capable of both physically and mentally.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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