I don't toot my own horn. I blare it.

The Music

Pop, Throwback, Broadway Tunes

The Energy

Uplifting, Party, Charismatic

The Messaging

Inclusive, Nurturing, Genuine

The Workout

Challenging, Resistance Focused, Signature Choreography

Fun Fact

I have formal dance training

Astrological Sign


Upcoming Classes

Fri 3/07 - 8:30 AM
Fri 3/07 - 12:00 PM
West Hollywood
Sat 3/08 - 8:30 AM
See full schedule

What's your Soul Story?

Diego's class is for anyone who needs a safe space to let loose and be vocal—a space to step outside comfort zones, be gritty, and celebrate individuality. With his extensive dance and fitness background, Diego's class promises you lots of sweat. You'll leave his class ready to take on your day—honoring what makes you YOU!

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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