Matt A.
The world is your stage and it's time to shine!

Favorite Artist

Britney Spears

Go-To Karaoke Song

Oops!...I Did it Again

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar


Soul Destination

Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike

Tap Back, Push Up!

Guilty Pleasure

THE BACHELOR FRANCHISE - I'm here for the right reasons ;)

Upcoming Classes

Sat 12/28 - 8:30 AM
Preston Hollow
BEST OF 2024
Sat 12/28 - 11:45 AM
See full schedule

What's your Soul Story?

Matt's class will spark your day and leave you feeling empowered and pushed to your limit! He brings the beats and the energy to get you through a challenging class while having fun. It’s all about feeling good and filling up your cup. Matt is a Texas native, went to the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk!), and is thrilled to be back in his home state after living in Kansas City for five years.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

Download the SoulCycle app for iPhone and AndroidNEW
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SoulCycle iphone and android appsSoulCycle iphone and android apps