Allie D.
Let the light shine in.

What is your Soul story in 140 characters or less?

SoulCycle has been about the people from the start. In 2017 my best friend brought me to class for the first time and I fell in love.

Describe your class to give your riders a sense of what to expect.

My class is meant to lift you up and shine your light as we move together toward something bigger.

How do you motivate riders to push themselves?

I will motivate you to move big and take up space. Don't be afraid to let it get messy because that is where the best things in life happen.

Upcoming Classes

Sun 11/24 - 8:30 AM
Union Street
Sun 11/24 - 10:45 AM
Walnut Creek
Thu 11/28 - 10:15 AM
Walnut Creek
See full schedule

Outside the Studio

Allie D.'s playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Born and raised in beautiful Walnut Creek, CA! A former cheerleader and recent graduate from the University of Arizona (bear down!), when she's not taping it back, you can find Allie on the beach or in wine country. A lover of all things family, friends, dogs, and a lot of smiles, she promises to lift you up, encourages you to shine your light, and dance it out on the bike!

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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