Be vulnerable to the process.

Favorite Artist

Pink Floyd

Go-To Karaoke Song

Ironic by Alanis Morissette

Celebrity Who Embodies your Inner Rockstar

Stevie Nicks

Soul Destination

Topsail Island, North Carolina

Favorite Dance Move on the Bike

Tapback pushup

Guilty Pleasure

Sex and the City

Upcoming Classes

Thu 12/19 - 8:15 AM
See full schedule

Bode's playlist

What's your Soul Story?

Bode grew up in a family of daredevils, where fear was just another challenge waiting to be conquered. His years as a competitive swimmer taught him the value of pushing past limits, leading him to explore new horizons after retiring from Division 1 athletics. SoulCycle became his haven-- a place where physical, mental, and spiritual growth intertwined in a community that felt like home. In his classes, expect a mix of upbeat vibes, sweat, and smiles, with enough head-banging to make every ride unforgettable.

SoulCycle on the go

SoulCycle on the go

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