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Just signed up for class? We're excited to have you!

Please familiarize yourself with the five tips below along with the bike set-up tutorial to help ensure your safety and comfort while in class.


The resistance knob also functions as your emergency brake. It will help ensure your safety and put you in full control of your ride. If at any time you need to stop while you’re clipped in, push down on the resistance knob, and your wheel will immediately stop turning. Turning to the right turns the resistance up; turning to the left takes the resistance off. For your safety, it is best to always ride with resistance.


Ride at your own pace. Your safety comes first. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, take a break. No pressure! Be sure to stay well-hydrated before, throughout, and after class. We have water stations available in all of our studios and water is available to purchase at the front desk.  If the music volume is too loud, we have ear plugs available for use at the front desk or at the entrance of the studio.

If you need to leave class, please alert your instructor, safely unclip or unbuckle your shoes and a member of our studio crew will assist you if you cannot safely exit on your own.


Our bikes are custom designed to fit everyone and every body type. However, proper set up in your bike is an important part of your experience and will help keep you safe. A member of our studio team will assist you with adjusting the handlebar height and depth, and seat height and distance. We strongly recommend that prior to class you also familiarize yourself with these bike setup videos below. 
If you are not familiar with how to connect your shoes to the pedals, please ask for help. At the end of the ride, safely unclip your shoes from the pedal (or un-velcro your feet from the shoes if you do not feel comfortable or do not know how to safely unclip). You can find a video on how to clip in/out below. Please remember that cycling shoes are not intended for walking, so they should be removed prior to exiting the studio.


We ride to the beat of the music. Pro tip: You’ll know you’re on the beat when your foot hits the bottom of the pedal along with the beat. Adjust your resistance to match your instructor's pace. Keep an eye on the podium—your instructors will help to guide you and keep you on rhythm. If at any time you want to sit down or slow your pace down, please do so. 


Our arms section (typically towards the end of class) includes light hand weights. Weights are located behind you, just below your seat. It’s important to slowly lower and regulate your heart rate BEFORE stopping your legs during this section of class.

Read our new rider waiver

Watch our bike set-up tutorial here!

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