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Ariel’s Guided Workout

Ariel’s "werQout" is 45 minutes of full-body cardio work for all levels. All you need is a space to move, a mat or towel for comfort, and attitude.Take these moves and do them to the music or as slow as you need to. Just. Get. Moving.

Get Ariel’s playlist here—and follow the instructions below to master every move.


Song 1  

dance break

Take this time to notice how your body is feeling today. Loosen up: Stretch your hamstrings, hips, shoulders—whatever feels right.

 Abs circuit

Song 2

heel taps

Move 1: Heel Taps. With your back on the ground and knees up, use your obliques to tap the outsides of your heels.

Move 2: Toe Taps. Pull both feet up, lift your shoulders off the floor, and tap your toes.

Move 3: Bicycles. With shoulders off the ground, straighten your right leg out to 45-degrees while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward the left knee. Do the same on the left leg.

 Glute bridge

Song 3

glute bridge

Lay flat on the floor with your knees up. Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line, then ease your way back down. Make sure to squeeze your glutes at the top. After 12 reps, hold at the top and pulse 8 times.


Song 4


With your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, sit back like you’re sitting into a low chair, leading with your booty. Squeeze your glutes on the way up. 

 Dance “break”

Song 5 

dance break


 High knees/jumping jacks

Song 6

high knees

Surprise, more cardio! Pick your favorite, or alternate between high knees and jumping jacks. When the music changes, drop to a high-plank position. Jump into mountain climbers, driving one knee up to your chest at a time.

 Abs circuit 

Song 7 


Repeat the circuit we did earlier: Heel taps, toe taps, and bicycles.


Song 8


Facing forward, take a large step back with one leg. Lower your hips so that your front leg becomes parallel to the floor, with your knee positioned directly over your ankle. Return to standing by pressing your heel into the floor and bringing your leg forward. Alternate legs.


Song 9 

jumping jacks

We’re in the home stretch: Choose your favorite cardio moves and max out!


Song 10

Take this time to stretch out and thank your body for working for you. 

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